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Japan is cracking down on fatties….

June 14th, 2008

Yikes! I can’t imagine what would happen if the US decided to measure the waists of its citizens and fine them if they were over the allotted inches. This is exactly what is happening in Japan, a country not know for having overweight people.

See, the New York Times Article.

While I believe that we are an overweight people, I would not support something like this. It just seems wrong.

I’m a freak.

June 14th, 2008

I feel just terrible. Not only did I quite the cleanse, I have gone over the top out of control. Please someone help me…. I need a buddy, a friend, someone to talk to about this.

I am trying to think positive and use happy thoughts, but it’s just so darn hard.

The best part is that tomorrow is a new day and I can start over.


June 8th, 2008

Ugh. I came down with a cold and went off the detox. Of course, I immediately re-gained the 6 pounds. 🙁 I am so dissappointed.

Day 7 (2d time)

June 4th, 2008

Feeling pretty good today! I was able to put my wedding rings back on which is nice. I need to be about 160ish for them to fit – I was about 140 when we bought them.

I was thinking about just doing a 7 day tuneup, but now that I am seeing and feeling real results, I think I’ll just keep on plugging away. I found some soup I can actually eat, some greens that don’t make me want to hurl, and it is getting easier to do this.

The benefits of the cleanse are worth it.

Weight: 160.5 Loss: 6

Day 6 (2d time)

June 3rd, 2008

I woke up yesterday morning with full intentions of going to the gym, but I didn’t. I did attend my weekly Weight Watchers meeting and was down – and I got 2 stars because I have lost 10.2 pounds since I started.

Today I have been pretty busy. I really want to stop detoxing. How sad is that? I keep doing it though. Tonight’s soup was okay and I am stuffed.

Yesterday’s hypno session was about finding that inner part of you that wants to be fat for protection. I can’t figure out what part that would be? I did it again and I still can’t tell…. Guess I need more work in that area.

I am still feeling like it’s taking all my will power to not eat what I want. I chose not to go to an event this afternoon and another one that was tonight so that I wasn’t tempted by food. And tomorrow, I have a lunch with friends, but I asked them to go the food co-op where I know I can get something that fits the detox.

I will say I am feeling slim. I had to get a belt this afternoon because my pants were falling off. That’s a great feeling.

Weight: 162 Loss: 4.5