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I just love 3 day weekends

I think there should be more 3 day weekends. You can use that third day to do stuff you didn’t get done the other 2 days, like drive 30 miles away to a bike trail and ride your bike for over an hour. It was awesome! I love my bicycle. Wait, did I say that already? I’m sure I did, but it’s worth repeating.

My local area has tons of gorgeous bike trails. The one we checked out today was so nice. It’s called the Centennial Trail and it’s 30 miles of beautiful scenery through a wide, paved, not hilly course. I wish I’d gotten some pictures…

I also signed up for a woman’s “learn to fix your bicycle” clinic, which includes wine. It’s free (I think). I don’t drink wine, but maybe I will for this. I can’t wait. I’ve already dropped the chain off my bike messing around with the gears and the brakes are squeaking already. Also, I got caught in the rain and I want to make sure my bike doesn’t rust.

I’ve been hopping on the scale because on my official weigh in day I was up 2 pounds and didn’t want to record that. Luckily today, I was back down 2 pounds. I’m hoping that by next week I will have dropped at least 3 pounds.

I’ve kind of given up on p90x3. I might pick it back up or maybe do it when I didn’t get any other exercise for the day. It’s just not as fun for me as going to a class at the gym or getting out and doing something outdoors. I feel guilty for some reason, but I am not sure why.

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