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For as busy as I was yesterday, I have been just a lazy today. I woke up late and have spent the rest of the day literally doing nothing. Sure, I made the bed, cleaned a toilet, put away some laundry, worked on a project I should have finished last week, finished up a book I needed to finish, and cooked dinner, but these small tasks really don’t count.

Maybe I needed a lazy day? Maybe I’m procrastinating because there really are things I should have been doing… Who knows? This got me to thinking about ways to “overcome laziness.” I usually simply force myself to get up and do something. Anything.

When you google “how to overcome laziness” you get a lot of results. Here are a few for those of you, who like me, took a day off and literally did nothing but feel like you should have done something:

1) wiki How – I especially like the pictures on this one.

2) How to Stop Being Lazy in 8 Simple Steps – I really love # 7 (take Sunday off) and # 8 (make someone else do the worst thing on your list). Awesome!

3) How to Overcome Laziness Stop arguing with your mind and get moving. – this PhD basically says to think small i.e. start going to the gym by getting on your shoes

I think what it comes down to is that some days are just going to be lazy and other days you just need to get on your shoes.

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