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And just like that…

Two days have gone by.

This has been a crazy week. Stupid computer problems at work, coupled with sick people at home, and of course, way too much to do that can’t be done due to the aforementioned issues, has created a situation where I haven’t eaten properly or gotten in all my excercise. Arg!

I can only blame myself for not making health and fitness a priority. Must. Do. Better.

Plus, I’m on the second week of Chantix and today should have been my official quit day, but it wasn’t. This new dose level is really making me sick. This morning I nearly passed out, and tonight, I have raging heart burn. I think the pills have to be taken with food. Tomorrow I will have to do better about that. And, I have to quit smoking. I thought that I would somehow miraculously not want to smoke and that has not been the case at all. I have found myself losing interest half way through and tossing the cigarette, so I guess that is something.

On the weight front, I was so excited because this morning I was down to 154 (!!) but tonight I was up to 159 (??). I’m a smart person. I know it’s just water weight and un-digested food and stuff, but it can be really depressing to see a 4 pound weight gain in the course if one day. I should probably toss the scale and just weigh in at the gym once a week or two.

Measurement day should have been the 26th (I’m just realizing!) but I think I’ll wait until Sunday. This isn’t the best week for it, and I doubt I’ll have time.

In other, more exciting news, more friends are getting bikes and/or tuning up old ones. It is so much fun to continue to see the trickle effect of the fitness bug.

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