real bad day
I’m really struggling today. Woke up crabby and it’s just gotten worse from there. First, I spilled half my cereal. Now, if you have ever had a NS cereal, you’d know why this is a big deal. Next, I realized the DH left the file he kindly brought home for me to work on (even though I still had a week left to be off)…it had to be back at the office today. When he came home to get it, he brought even more work for me. I know he’s just trying to help, but for some reason it really pisses me off. Then, I decide to eat lunch and I tumble several little containers out of the pantry an onto my head. I heat up the one I ultimately chose and when I opened it up it had the consistency of snot. I can’t eat it. I decide to try the new yogurt — it tastes like pure poison (aka Splenda). Ick.
I want to buy a pack of smokes. I chose, instead, to take a bunch of my smoker’s vitamins to see if that helps. But what I really would like is to go back to being a fat and happy smoker.