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Well, hello!

So, I haven’t been here in a while! I’ve been working on my coaching blog… But, I have definitely been doing the things I set out to do with this blog.

I’m coming in here, because I started a “New Year New You” program that is pretty intense, and I am not quite ready to share it with the Beachbody world, but I would like to journal about it.

Have you heard of FasciaBlasting? Well, I hadn’t either until a few weeks ago. But, I am ALL IN.

Here is how week 1 went:

Well, prep week went awesome and I’ve gotten to know my blasting equipment pretty well. I am current in my challenge journal. But week 1 ended with the flu. This nasty bug has brought down our entire family One. By. One. So, I took a forced rest-break Friday, Saturday and Sunday while it was my turn.

Advanced Fitness: My workout program includes step aerobics for 20 minutes a day 6 days a week and a combo of strength training, cardio, yoga, resistance training, plyometrics, HIIT, and stretching/active recovery 30-60 minutes a day 7 days a week. So, I got 4/7 done. It was hard for me to miss because I have been very consistent since Christmas.

Tonics & Nutrition: I juice celery everyday, and have since 12/28/18. I started ACV daily with this challenge. I bought the herb book recommended by Ashley as well as the Blue Zones of Happiness (started reading it). Today, I stopped at the supplement store and picked up a couple things to try. I wanted to incorporate tonics, but realistically, I am not going to find the time to research and prepare them, and since hiring a personal chef/nutritionist isn’t in my time or $$ budget at the moment, this will be a goal for another season. I am following a whole foods diet, I do not drink alcohol or any beverages other than black coffee and water (and sometimes tea), and, I am staying away from processed foods, wheat, rye, oats, corn, tomatoes, peanuts, bananas, and raspberries (known allergens). I have cut sugar. I did enjoy a piece of my little’s birthday cake and a scoop of ice cream on Saturday. I drink a minimum of 120 oz of water per day.

Higher Thinking: I enjoy this group immensely. It fits well with my “Miracle Morning” practice that I started in 2017. My higher thinking program includes daily meditation, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading, and journaling between 4 am and 7 am. I wanted to find a prayer group to join, but I haven’t had a chance yet… I am also looking to join a master mind group and I have recommitted to my Rotary club.

Fasting: I started a 16/8 IF schedule. It seems to be working. The only downside is that I have to juice my celery and take it to work so it’s about 4 hours old by the time I can drink it. I bought, and read, the book by Dr. Fung. I found it very interesting. I’ve lost net 1.4 pounds this week and 0.6% fat.

Cupping & Blading: I bought some cups and blades and a book, but it arrived the day I came down with a fever, so I haven’t opened it yet. I definitely want to try this.

FasciaYoga: I’ve tried all the moves, but I haven’t made it a daily practice yet. I am thinking I will try to do the full body routine on Sundays. My intent of following Julie’s schedule before bed hasn’t happened yet. I’ll re-access after I feel better.

That’s it! I learned about FasciaBlasting 2 weeks before this challenge started, thus I came in knowing nothing about it. I am getting a crash course! Pretty awesome! My # 1 goal was to decrease back, neck, and joint pain and regain flexibility. So far, I would say I have noticed a change! I *think* my beyond boundness is getting better, I had a couple days before I got sick where I was a 2 or so on the pain scale and mainly at night. That’s huge! And, I don’t know if it’s my imagination, but I think my “mom belly” is actually getting a tad flatter! That, my friends, would be a miracle!

As soon as I figure out this new editor…I will add pictures and links.

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