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NYNY – Week 2

Well, week two was pretty tough. I had a lot of emotional stuff happening as well as the plague breakout in our house and a snow event that shut us down. But, I’ve been working on this challenge and working through my issues.

Advanced Fitness: I had to take few rest days to break the fever and get better. But, I am continuing my programs of step aerobics and X challenge. I think I have had a booty breakthrough, but I need to do some pictures to be sure. I believe I am beginning to understand what it means to sense the muscles activating, and I haven’t experienced that sensation in a long time.

Tonics & Nutrition: I am still juicing celery daily and doing my AVC shot. I still don’t know/can’t tell if it’s doing anything for me. Ha! But, I will stick with it.

Higher Thinking: I read a really good audible on meditation –
How to Meditate with Pema Chodron: A Practical Guide to Making Friends with Your Mind. I would love to meet her!

Fasting: I need to regroup in this effort. I was feeling light headed and nauseous and thinking maybe fasting wasn’t for me, but then it was mentioned that this may be a detox effect or the celery juice. Maybe not enough salt. I don’t know. I am trying to give this another go.

Cupping & Blading: I tried this (sort of), but I need to give it more time. I haven’t looked into the blading at all yet and I really have no idea yet what to do with them.

FasciaYoga: I haven’t really done this yet. But, I need to!

I have followed the blasting schedule religiously. But, my mindset is totally off on my nutrition right now. I want to lose weight, and I am not. I have eaten a bunch of stuff on my allergen list, and I regret it, but I didn’t stop myself. Then I get mad. Then I get sad. It’s been a real roller coaster of emotions. I need my mind right.

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