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De-Clutter Challenge 2015

So you might remember last year when I started the 91 day de-clutter challenge and petered out… Well, not this year my friends! 

I am once again doing Mary Organizes 91 Day De-Clutter Challenge. I will finish this year!

This year we started with the master bedroom. This is good because my bedroom tends to be the dumping ground of “all things belonging elsewhere but I don’t have the time or desire to deal with it.”  It also becomes the place for “my” things like knitting, crafts, and art. 

The idea is to spend a little time each day of the week on the assigned area, but since my weeks are busy with work, workouts, and kids, I only really have the weekends.

Yesterday was master bedroom for me:

The before, as you can see, is Mary Kay stuff that still needs to be delt with, workout gear, and just plain junk. 

The after is much better! I actually hung the mirror that has been sitting on the floor since we moved here in 2003, my jewelry box has reemerged, and the last of the Mary Kay and craft stuff has been relocated to a location nearer to its new permanent home.

The flower art is temporary since I think I may take it to my office, but it’s off the floor!

I still have to shampoo the rugs.

I think the best part is that we moved everything away from the windows so we can actually get to them.

Long-term goals: paint, new furniture, and art.

NB laundry is not usually visible, but yesterday was also hand wash/hang dry day 🙂

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