Day 6
Boy does time fly, it’s day six already! Today, I am back on track…until lunch that is because I have a board meeting at a restaurant that is known for steak – not soup. Yesterday, I was able to find a smoothie place and had a berry berry smoothie which was a close to the detox as I could find. It beat the bagel that was option # 2. Last night, I caved and ate a chunk of tritip. I chewed the heck out every piece and didn’t use steak sauce.
I am not doing this very well. My hydro-therapist said she could customize a detox for me, and she sort of berated me for starting the detox before my colonic. My 2nd colonic is tomorrow, so I may have her put something together for me. I’ve been doing better than I had been doing sticking to NutriSystem…and I am definitely seeing results.
The good news is my leg pain has subsided and I am feeling a lot better.
Weight: 172 Loss: 5