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setting goals and meeting them

Most everyone has a goal in life, right? Mine has always been to be an exceptional writer; however, I can never seem to get there. I’d also like to have information available that people want to read. School is starting in a few days, which is really the new year in this house, so my goal for the new year is to begin crafting tidbits that folks find helpful/entertaining.

Last night, during an epiphany, I learned that I already know what I need to know to lose the weight I need in order to be my healthiest self.

1. Don’t eat all my daily calories/points in one meal.
2. Exercise.
3. Layoff the caffeinated drinks and get in my water.

I have these moments of clarity often, but have a really hard time putting them into practice. Given that I signed up for a Biggest Loser Challenge, I am herein publicly committing to the following 12 week’s worth of goals:

a. making it to every WW meeting left in the block I signed up for (I think there are 4 weeks left??), then reassessing whether I will go back to the monthly pass, or do something else
b. logging back into the Nutrisytem site and being OP for the next 10ish weeks (70 dinners/56 lunches/3 breakfasts and ?? snacks left in the pantry)
c. going to the gym a minimum of 3 times per week and logging into Wii Fit at least 5 days to weigh in and do at least the Yoga or the Strength exercises – will also commit to the Lean, Long & Strong: The 6-Week Strength-Training, Fat-Burning Program for Women program for 6 weeks.

It’s time to get serious folks!!

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