Tony Horton Fusion!
Well, today is the day. I am heading down for my first work out. So tired…. but, 4 am has to be my new time.
In good news, I weighed yesterday to get my THF beginning stats. I was 156. What is crazy about this is that 154-158 is where my body spent most of its early 20s. I remember feeling chubby, but not “fat” like I do right now. I shouldn’t be surprised since a 20 year old body is a lot different than a 40 year old body.
I just realized that I am about to turn 44, this is 20 years older than the age I was and consider “the best year.” Hmmm…. something to think about.
Goals for October: 1) Lose 5 pounds and continue to tone up. 2) Eat breakfast everyday.
Oh, and before I forget, ChaLEAN Extreme Dynamic Flow Yoga is no joke. Whew! That was tough. I only lasted a few minutes with the hand weights.