Day 4 (2d time)
I woke up this morning and listened to the In Control hypno session again. Then I had my berry splash, a 16 oz glass of water with lemon and a large cup of tea. I feel stuffed.
I did W1D2 of Couch to 5K last night, but I must admit that my running was more like speed walking with a different gait. Toddlers would have been able to beat me home. Pathetic, really. I am sure if I went to the running store, the running experts would have a fit. I did add 2 protein drinks to my diet yesterday and the second one, I used milk. I felt much better after that.
Tomorrow I plan to go to the gym if it kills me. I want to be lean, long, and strong. I am lean long and strong. If you believe it, you will achieve, I always say. 🙂
Weight: 164 Loss: 2.5