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I feel out of it today. I went on a field trip and was surrounded by out of control 13/14 year olds and feel like I literally spent the day yelling at people. It sucked.

Golf was fun though. I didn’t realize how many calories you can burn on the driving range! I do regret accepting the cup of champagne that comes with the lesson. I didn’t need it and didn’t really want it. I’m going to try harder next week to say no.

I did get in the p90x3 workout even though I didn’t want to do it, and let me tell you, it was killer. I could barely keep up. Today was CVX which is aerobics with weights. I hated it. Plus, my planter fasciitis is really killing me. I sure hope my shoe insert thing gets here soon.

Dinner today was a mistake. I made spaghetti for the family, which is one of my favorites. I took two bites of the baby’s. I also went with potatoes as my veggie and stuffed pasta shells as the entree. I feel like carb over load big time!!

All in all, it was a pretty rough day. I’m super tired and wish I could just sleep for days and days. My homework for my self is multiple items. 1) I don’t understand how you use a heart rate monitor to determine how many calories you burned so I need to figure that out; 2) I need to stick better to the Nutrisystem plan and pay attention to the smart carbs and power fuels because I am really not doing than – I’m also not getting 4 serving of vegetables a day. There was a third, but I forget what it was. I think I must be brain dead as well as physically beat.

It’s a big day tomorrow with step class, running and p90x3. Maybe I should take a nice swim instead….

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