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It’s almost here!

So, my NS order is out for delivery. So exciting! I have a lot of decisions to make about when to start because I have lots going on the next few days that involve eating out. I’m thinking that tonight I will clean and organize the pantry then focus on grocery shopping the next two days and begin in earnest on Saturday.

I’m old enough and experienced enough at dieting to know that one should focus on their own body and how they feel at certain weights, but I broke down and looked up the weights and sizes of my celebrity inspirations and made myself a little sad. I picked three ladies who are about my age and height and realized they are all about 40 pounds lighter than me. This means that to be the same-ish weight, I need to drop 40 not 20 pounds. I don’t think I’ve weighed in at the 120s since I was 12 years old!

I’m going to keep my goal weight and see how it goes. I need to find my little tape measure and do measurements too! Darn kids. They’re always losing my stuff!

ETA the food came (all but the frozen stuff anyway…) and I remember now how tiny the portions are. The food seems the same with new packaging. I sure hope it tastes better.

I made it to barre today and man am I sore!! Yikes. I hope I can get up tomorrow and make it to step. I’ll also be running at lunch, so… Yeah.

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