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Day 5

Yesterday was a pretty bad day. I woke up late and had to get going, so I put all my powders in to-go tubs and left. I drank my berry drink and a cup of tea around 8:30 am, but I wasn’t able to have another supplement until around 2 pm. Then I went to the gym for abut an hour where I water walked and sat in the sauna. I still had 45 minutes till my colonic and I was starving, so I thought I’d pop back into the office and drink the other berry drink I packed. Boy was that a mistake. I pulled up to the hydro-therapist’s office and threw it up in the parking lot. Yuck!

The colonic itself was worse than I expected. That’s all I’ll say about that. I do feel lighter around the middle though. She said I need to come back in a few days (Thursday). Oh – when I got done pucking, I accidentally locked my keys in the car, so after the appointment I had to call DH to come and get them for me and he asked me to stop and get pizza for dinner. I did, and I have to admit that for dinner, I ate 1 piece of pizza. This is bad because it does not help my cleanse, but it tasted great and I felt a lot better afterword, and I only had one piece whereas before I would have had 3 or 4.

I pray today is a better day. My legs still hurt. I am actually getting a bit worried. I have been forced to take Ibuprofen just so I can lay down and get some sleep. I will be far away from anywhere today, so I am not sure what I am going to do for eating and drinking. If I can’t find soup, I may have to do salad because a restaurant will likely be my option.

Weight: 172 Loss: 5

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