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food saver

I got my food saver (a food vacuum packaging system) today! Yippee!! I took one of the big bags of pre-made salad and some grape tomatoes and sealed it into 8 daily servings. I think this is going to be a great way to get my salad in each day.

In other news, I am back UP to 183 lbs. I just don’t understand. I have been working out 4 to 6 days per week and I have been watching what I eat. This is so frustrating.

And, I finally opened the box of NS food from last month. I was pretty disappointed because they substituted a lot of things I don’t like. For example, I ordered three Maple Oatmeal because I didn’t care for the Apple & Cinnamon oatmeal. What do you think I got? I got three Apple & Cinnamon! Sheesh.

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