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vacation weight

I’m back! We had a good time in Chelan. There were two days that were rainy, but for the most part, it was fun in the sun. I am totally buying a boat for next year! I didn’t bring NutraSystem with me nor did I even try to stick to any diet. This morning I weighed in at 181, so a 5 pound gain. 🙁 It could have been worse! This is so depressing. I saw a picture of myself and I looked like a beached whale. If I am not at goal by next year, I won’t go. If anything, I am committed to 100% NS from now on … I have a month’s worth of food in the cupboard and my replacements came while I was away, so I am set for at least 5 weeks, not to mention that my auto-order comes in a couple weeks. I’ll have NS food coming out of my ears.

Any way, my mini-goal will be 151 by the first week of December, which is my birthday week. That’s 30 pounds to lose in 15 weeks! Yikes. If I can do that, then I am below my old “normal” weight and will fit into my clothes. I will also be just 11 pounds shy of goal. This is getting serious people! That’s right.

As for smoking, I put together a blog site for the June Brigade before I left. I hope it becomes a fun way to keep in touch. Today I have been quit for 2 Months, 1 Week, 1 Day (69 days). I have saved $355.74 by not smoking 1,381 cigarettes. I have saved 4 Days, 19 hours and 5 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 6/17/2007 8:00 AM. It was really hard to stay quit this week as I really really wanted to smoke. I did it though.

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