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NYNY – Weeks 5 & 6ish

I know the new week is almost over, and I didn’t even get a chance to post about last week! I swear this challenge is FLYING by! My 9-5 has kept me hopping, so I haven’t had much social media time and I’m way behind in the group activities!

Blasting is going well. It has become such a part of my morning routine, that I don’t even really remember doing it. Like brushing my teeth. I am struggling with using the paddle blaster and really only use it for stomach, back and thighs. I stick with the face blaster for everything else. And, the Fascia Blaster of course. I am considering the Mini 2. I’ve been using the Mini 1 for my head too. I still don’t really know what to do with the nugget. I don’t really have big dimples or anything like that or scars for that matter… I’ve got a spot on my belly that’s like a crease, so I have sort of used it around that using the crayon method. I really need to look into the pipe extension mod for the Fascia Blaster so I can better reach my back.

I am excited to take pictures, because I don’t see a difference, but I am hoping that photos won’t lie. I think that the beyond bound areas are improving and I am getting dimples that I didn’t have before. I need/want to submit my problem areas for review and guidance, so I plan to do that with my 6 week progress photos. Mainly my tummy and glutes.

Tonics: I am still juicing celery. I wish I could pinpoint a benefit to doing this. I am still doing ACV, although not as consistently. I still haven’t had time to go to the supplement store. My mood has greatly improved, I think it’s a combination of more day light and possibly the Sunny Mood and St. John’s Wart supplements? I don’t know. But I am way happier and much less emotional than I was in weeks 2 & 3.

Cupping and blading: I had a massage this week and I explained to her that I can’t get the cups to stay on, so she said to bring them to my next appointment and she’d help me. I did buy a set of silicone ones as well that I haven’t tried. Part of the problem is that I still don’t have the oil (hopefully in a couple weeks??) I ran out of the stuff I bought at the beginning of the challenge to get me by and I don’t think the Egyptian Magic I have been using is optimal for the cupping. Hopefully this weekend I will have time to replace the massage oil. I really want my Ashley oils to get here!! I am afraid the challenge will be over before the shipment comes in.

Advanced Fitness: I am still doing the X challenge every day. I will keep with those workouts until my new program starts on 04/01. I am finding that my workouts are harder in some ways which I attribute to the blasting releasing my glutes and hammies from their previous state. Oh, and I was in a bowling tournament last weekend which wrecked my body. In case you’re wondering, bowling is definitely a sport. And the pain is more significant when you no longer drink alcohol. My arm strength has significantly improved though! I can do all my push ups on my toes now and I can do 5 or so more assisted pull ups than I could 5 weeks ago! Yay!

FasciaYoga: Yeah, I still haven’t tried this. I do do yoga and foam rolling as part of my regular fitness, which has some of the same but different moves. I hope to have time this weekend to give it an actual go.

Higher Thinking: Not much to say here. I have been somewhat keeping up with my meditation. I heard about a form of fitness today where it’s basically like kickboxing or MMX but you say affirmations like “I am strong and powerful” during the kicks etc. I can’t remember what it’s called, but it sounded interesting. Now that my little is done with bball, I am hoping to check out a women’s prayer group at my church.

Nutrition: I became certified in a macro/portion control based program so I am switching gears and I am going to commit to this system 100% for the foreseeable future. I did listen to a podcast about the benefits of MCT oil, which I own some from when I was testing Keto a while back. I may give that a try in my coffee. I feel like I don’t feed my brain enough healthy fats.

That’s about it! Not much new to report. Happy blasting and TGIF!

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