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Good lord, I over eat!

So, I’m not sure if I shared how much trouble I’ve been having with my Mayo Clinic visualization of the baseball, tennis ball, hockey puck, deck  of cards and dice. If not, well I do have trouble.  But, I may have found solution! 

Someone invited me to do the 21 Day Fix(a Beachbody production), which I am not going to do since I work out at a gym, but I looked into it and it’s essentially the same thing as the BMO/Mayo Clinic diet, as far as portions go, I am already doing, but instead of comparing your portions to common object, you use their really tiny containers.


Oy!  This is going to be tough. The portions are a little different in that the dice in the Mayo Clinic diet are your fats, which is represented here but the orange containers and the red is your protiens which seems a bit bigger than 1/3 of a deck of cards, but close enough I say!

Maybe it won’t be so bad since I am not eating for 8 more days… maybe my tummy will be shrunken by then.

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