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the perfect day

You know the old saying, “if you see it and believe it the you will achieve it”? well, that’s my theme for today. It’s a new week, and there’s no reason I can’t have the kind of days I believe I want.

My ideal day would look something like this:

Get up at 5 and go to the gym (why 5? have to take out the dog and eat breakfast and get there on time).

Attend class of the day from 6 to 7 (Monday = step aerobics, Tuesday = weight lifting; Wednesday = water aerobics; Thursday = on my own (which means treadmill, cross trainer and rowing); Friday = step aerobics) — If it’s Saturday and I have nothing else to do, then I’ll go to dance and yoga.

Come home and do Lean, Long & Strong: The 6-Week Strength-Training, Fat-Burning Program for Women

Go to work (okay, so this is really not a part of my ideal day, but I gotta do it).

Come home around 3:30 and have time with the kids, or catch up on house stuff.

Around 5:30, I cook a fabulous, healthy dinner that everyone eats without complaining.

At 8:30 go for a run because I am a marathoner.

Come home and get ready for bed feeling fine.

Get a good night’s sleep. Ahh…

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