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New resolve

I’ve got to set myself up for success for the 30 day challenge. I was going to start September 1st but I think I will start tomorrow instead. I have a lot to do.

I have one pack of cigarettes on hand and I really need to quit after this because I can’t be a runner and a smoker at the same time. I am also committing to my 5 hours minimum workouts a week. I really need to make the running clinics a priority as well since I paid for it. I also have two very long bike rides on the calendar.

I expect to lose at least 20 pounds in this 30 days. I will finish the Nutrisystem food I have on hand for sure and then I don’t know what I will do. I am not sure about signing up for another month or whether I should do something else… I can always do the South Beach or maybe even the 17 Day. Or, I could give the Fat Flush another go. I almost wish I didn’t have the NS on hand because I may be more successful on a whole foods plan vs a processed foods plan.

It’s so hard! I really have messed up over this past month. It’s a shame really.

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