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doomed and defeated

I feel doomed to this weight forever. Today shows a 5 pound weight gain! I know yesterday was a bit ridiculous, but it was not bad enough that I should ave gained 5 pounds!

I’ve researched this: 1 pound equals about 3,500 calories. So, to gain 5 pounds you have to eat like 17,500 calories! Obviously, there’s a lot more that goes into daily weight, like water weight, body functions (urination, bowel movements, sweat, etc.).

It’s hard to stay committed when you aren’t getting results and it’s hard to get results when you’re sick. I wanted to go to the gym tomorrow, but 1) I still feel like complete crap, and 2) my gym bag is still locked in my car which is still in the shop.

Why can’t I be one of those naturally skinny people?

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