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Grateful – Day 1

In an effort to become a better person, I am committing to the Zen of Thin program. Part of this journey is to journal each day 5 things I am grateful for.

1. I am grateful that I have the funds I need to care for my family. While we may not always get exactly what we want, we can afford to live well and happy.

2. I am grateful that my children are healthy and that the ones who do have health issues are doing well and can still be considered “healthy”.

3. I am grateful for my puppy. She has brought so much joy to my life this past year. I hope to train her to become a good running buddy.

4. I am grateful for my computer. I don’t know what I would do without it.

5. I am grateful that I was able to quit smoking and am on my way to a healthier weight.

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