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Week 2 – Tony Horton Fusion

October 9th, 2017

I am really loving the Fusion. The Facebook group is a little disappointing and I haven’t connected with anyone there. But, I am feeling results! I do not think they are solely due to this particular plan, but due to the cumulative effect of my hard work these past 8 weeks.

I am down on the scale and I had to go and buy new unmentionables. Yay!

Today’s workout is from the P90 era. I have never even heard of it. I actually thought it started with the X. Well, I’ll let you know!

Week 1 of TH Fusion in the Books (almost…)

October 8th, 2017

I’m actually loving this challenge! The Facebook group is good and the workouts are tough. Tomorrow is supposed to be a rest day, but I missed yesterday with family stuff. Luckily, I had gone to step aerobics in the morning. So, since tomorrow is the rest day, I will catch up.

I feel guilty quitting on the ChaLEAN Extreme program, but I will go back to it. I just don’t love it as much.

My stats are good. Since July, I am down 26 pounds. Woot! My clothes fit again!! I had to buy new unmentionables. The changes are great. My mid-section still feels really fat to me, but clearly, it’s getting slimmer. I’m super stoked. This week showed a 2.7 weight loss.

My personal development isn’t going as well. I have been reading book after book. Some things are progressing. For example, I’ve been getting up early and getting some mind work done and doing my workouts. I’m not doing better on breaking free from procrastination. But, I have to focus on the progress, right?

Tony Horton Fusion!

October 2nd, 2017

Well, today is the day. I am heading down for my first work out. So tired…. but, 4 am has to be my new time.

In good news, I weighed yesterday to get my THF beginning stats. I was 156. What is crazy about this is that 154-158 is where my body spent most of its early 20s. I remember feeling chubby, but not “fat” like I do right now. I shouldn’t be surprised since a 20 year old body is a lot different than a 40 year old body.

I just realized that I am about to turn 44, this is 20 years older than the age I was and consider “the best year.” Hmmm…. something to think about.

Goals for October: 1) Lose 5 pounds and continue to tone up. 2) Eat breakfast everyday.

Oh, and before I forget, ChaLEAN Extreme Dynamic Flow Yoga is no joke. Whew! That was tough. I only lasted a few minutes with the hand weights.

Beach Body

September 30th, 2017

I completed 21 Day Fix! Two weeks ago, I started ChaLEAN Extreme. Today, I re-uped my Beach Body on Demand account and on Monday, I will start Tony Horton’s 30 Day Fusion Challenge. I haven’t decided if I will put CE on hold, or suck it up and double up. The 30 minute a day format is working for me, so I don’t know for sure whatI will do. I am currently thinking TH in the morning and CE in the evening.

I had a bit of a corner turning moment yesterday which I am quite excited about. I went to step class at the gym, and for the first time, I felt strong and fit. My push ups and crunches are getting easier and over all I am feeling pretty good.

And, I took a waist measurement this morning to figure out my waist/height ratio and was down 2 inches. Amazing! Since I quit drinking and started a committed workout schedule, I have lost 23 pounds.

I think I am on my way!

I’m doing it!

September 12th, 2017

So, once again, I let a month go by without posting! I’m going to try and get better.

I’m actually doing really well physically. Today marks the 49th day since I quit drinking alcohol and MAN what a difference!! I’m down about 12-15 pounds from my heavy weight and I am fitting back into my clothes!! In fact, some of them are too big. Pretty awesome! I recommend it to everyone.

I only made it about 5 days on the juice cleanse, but I have been watching what I eat. I’ve also picked back up 21 Day Fix and am on Week 3, day 1. When that ends on Sunday, I’m going into ChaLEAN Extreme. After reading reviews, I cannot wait!

I didn’t mention it, but I started the Blood Type Diet and personalized it with Swami. It gives me pretty specific foods to eat and foods to avoid. I don’t really understand the science, but it has worked for a lot of people, and I hope it works for me. In the nearly 2 months since I started, I have been following it maybe 60%. I have decided to be 80-90% compliant when I start the 90 day Extreme plan.