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Day 3

I don’t know if this is a healing crisis or what, but starting last night, I have severe pain in my pelvis that radiates down through my legs. I was up all night tossing and turning. I finally got up at 4 am and did a skin brush and took a warm shower. I think that helped a bit, but only for about 1/2 hour. I also had troubled dreams all night – when I was able to sleep.

I tried the Jack LaLanne Stainless Steel Power Juicer last night, and I love how it works. I was a little worried after reading the comments on Amazon, but it worked very well. The problem was the awful tasting juice. The recipe said to use 1/4 clove garlic, but YUCK! is all I have to say. After the day 1 soup and yesterday’s juice, I do not think I’ll be using anymore garlic.

I was also able to walk 1 mile on the treadmill while the boys were in swimming lessons. I was so beat though, I napped for about 3 hours. I think the walk was the impetus for my healing crisis. I guess that means I need to exercise some more to get this all out of my system.

I am a little worried because it’s only day 3 and the thought of any more juice, soup or tea makes me want to hurl. I even gagged on my inner cleanse vitamins this morning. I am also feeling very lethargic. I thought this detox was going to give me energy, but I definitely do not fee energized. I am crossing my fingers that the colonic tomorrow gets things going for me.

Weight: 175 Loss: 2 pounds

2 Responses to “Day 3”

  1. Rossy T Says:

    Congratulations on losing your first 2 pounds. I am getting ready to start the detox in about a week and I will keep up with your progress!!

  2. Rachelle Says:

    Thanks Rossy, Keep me posted. This is a tough one.

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