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It’s true…

I’ve lost a bit of weight over the last few months. I know that 1) I was fat; and 2) people have noticed the weight loss because you wouldn’t believe all of the “you look like you’ve lost a lot of weight, what are you doing different?”

Well, the truth is, I haven’t been doing anything different unless you consider that I quit breakfast and most snacking and started smoking instead. It’s embarrassing. I had done so well not smoking. I hate the hack, oh and the risk of cancer. Not to mention the stench, the guilt and the social stigma… But, I do so love the weight loss. I wish there was a happy medium. I realize this is not a healthy or desirable solution.

The best part, I have to admit, is the new clothes. I was trying to avoid buying new clothes since I was afraid the weight loss is too good to be true and I really don’t have the extra funds. However, I can’t tell you how awesome it was to buy size 12 instead of size 18. Also, when my skirt literally fell off my body, not once but two times, one day in public, I realized there were no other options.

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