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Ultimate Reset – Day 1

It’s the first day of the Beach Body Ultimate Reset.

Today’s topic: Water – when is it too much? Part of the reset is drinking water. Only water… Personally, since giving up alcohol and soda, I only drink water (and coffee – black). But, can you drink too much water? The answer is yes. Drinking too much water can result in a condition called “water intoxication” or “water poisoning” or “hyponatremia.” Symptoms include, dizziness, headache, nausea, and just basic malaise. You can die from this, but apparently this is pretty rare. The problem is that too much water can deplete your sodium levels to unhealthy levels and cause cell swelling. According to WebDM, this typically occurs when you drink too much too fast.

If you search for “how much water should I drink” you’re going to find several answers, from the old standby “8 8oz cups a day (64 oz for the math challenged like myself)” to 104 ounces for men, and 72 ounces for women to a more complicated math equation where you take your body weight in pounds divided by 2.2 times your age divided by 28.3 to get ounces per day and to a more simplified math equation where you take your weight in pounds and divide by 2.

See, easy to know how much, right? My goal was to drink a gallon a day through the detox. However, it is 9:30 am, and I have already almost finished a gallon. This got me thinking about whether I drink too much water… Since, according to my math, I should be drinking 105 ounces a day, I am going to stick with the gallon, and try to slow it down a little.

As for the reset, and how it is going, I had to force myself to eat breakfast, and I am really really full. I don’t normally eat breakfast. This will be new, and I hope, become a habit, since I need breakfast.

Starting stats:

Weight: 149
Waist: 38.5
Goal: to be at my initial goal weight of 140 and loose at least 2 inches from my waist other goals include kicking the coffee habit and quit smoking (again)

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