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The Morning Miracle and Other Personal Development

So, the focus of this blog has been about health. But, really, I have been working on complete self change. I got turned on to this book called “The Morning Miracle” and have been trying it for 30 days. The idea here is SAVERS

Silence (meditation, being grateful)

Affirmations (telling yourself you are the things you want to be)

Visualizing (see yourself having the things you want to have)

Exercise (self explanatory- get some exercise)

Read (spend time each day reading, either for PD or pleasure)

Scribing (either brain dump, diary, to-dos, work on a book … whatever)

I learned some things and improved some things. But, mostly the exercise has made me feel even worse. I believe this is due to adding too much! So, November is going to be about “cleaning.” The idea is to be squeaky clean by my birthday.

I’m going to par down my over the top goals and focus on those relating to detox -of the body and the home. I’ve decided that after 90 days of being super focused on losing weight, I’m finally at a place where diet consciousness and fitness are a norm; however, I’m ending the push to my birthday with a diet detox (more on that later). My home, on the other hand, is out of control.

Here’s the plan:

Home Detox. I’m doing a 30 day declutter to get rid of the unnecessary items that consume my every thought because I see it. Every day. I will spend 30 minutes (minimum) on throwing out the junk. The weekends will be spent taking items to donate, deep cleaning one area, and working on one home project.

I’ll use some of my scribe time to post here on the progress!

PS: this is the last week of the Fusion. It’s been going well! I’ve lost 7 more pounds. Stats at the end and I’ll let you in on what’s next in more detail later.

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