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I’m a freak.

I feel just terrible. Not only did I quite the cleanse, I have gone over the top out of control. Please someone help me…. I need a buddy, a friend, someone to talk to about this.

I am trying to think positive and use happy thoughts, but it’s just so darn hard.

The best part is that tomorrow is a new day and I can start over.

2 Responses to “I’m a freak.”

  1. J Says:

    I started the detox the 1st of July and was pleasantly surprised to find your blog as you started a bit before me. You stopped writing after your 7th day I think and I guessed that you had jumped off the wagon and was a bit disapointed. But hahaha I did the same thing after 6 days. It was Saturday, I wanted a drink (s) and eat the same food as my boyfriend. Unfortunately that day became 2 days and it has been going on since. But I was going to go back today but we had a meeting at work and they brought donuts and they really looked good. Soooooooo I will go back detoxing tomorrow. Strangely enough even if I have been eating normally, and to be really honest with you I have not been good…, I still managed to keep the 7 pounds off. Nice. Anyway, I am starting again tomorrow. It’s tough to go back. Even if the green drinks are not that bad they still suck. And I miss my drinks. And my food. I did some really good cooking this weekend. I think that I will detox during the weekdays and then live normally during the wekend. I mean it’s the weekend and detoxing makes your weekend not feel like a weekend. Keep it up and let’s cleanse 😉

  2. Rachelle Says:

    Thanks for stopping y J. I completed a detox in January and felt great, but I couldn’t get motivated this time. I wish you the best of luck.

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