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Day 3 – done

Made it almost through Day 3 (lower fix). I couldn’t help myself and I weighed this morning…down 3 pounds. I attribute this to 1) TONS of water and 2) no alcohol. Yesterday was tough as Tuesday is generally happy hour day. Today was also a “doubles” day because I meet my personal trainer at the gym on Wednesdays. We did a combo of 10 minutes bike and 5 minutes treadmill x 3 plus cool down for a 60 minute workout. Wowser! I totally had a workout adrenaline high until about 10:30 am when my 5 am wake-up started to get to me. A healthy lunch at 11:30 fixed that.

My Fixate cookbook came along with the Bento Lunch Boxes. I can’t wait to prep some meals! I’m usually all about the planning and not so great on the follow through.

I’m super excited about this program. Contact me if you’re interested! Check out the 21 Fix program and see for yourself.

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