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A few years ago (September, 2011 actually) I undertook a one year body makeover at my overpriced gym. It was intense. A workout 2x a week with a personal trainer plus use of the BodyBugg including food tracking. I was probably not much heavier than I am right now – I’m hoping they still have my information so I can see. Well, I have signed up again. The gym has transformed the program drastically, but I am excited to give it a try.

This time includes 1 workout a week with the personal trainer and 1 night a week in a weight-loss solutions support group based on the Mayo Clinic diet. And, it’s six months instead of twelve with the option of re-uping.

Last night was a meeting to introduce the program. What I learned was this: 1) the word “diet” is from the Greek word, “dieta” meaning “way of life”; 2) research suggests that it takes two years to get to a place where you can maintain weight loss and healthier living; and 3) use of the four main pleasure stimulants, i.e. food, sex, drugs and alcohol, become behavior pathways etched into your brain and the longer you use them, the deeper the grooves get, and they will never go away (you can avoid them, but a true addict will be right back where they started with little effort). Huh.

So, I have a lot of work ahead of me folks. A. Lot. Of. Work.

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