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made it to another Friday!

Friday is my worst day of the week since it’s court day and I always dread it getting here. But, it also marks the last day of my “diet week” since I changed my weigh-in to Friday. Today I was back down to 152 which is awesome on the one hand and bittersweet on the other since it took me three weeks to get back here and if I hadn’t gained that 6-8 pounds I could have potentially been 144 which is right in my goal zone. Ah well. It is what it is, right?

I chalk the success this week up to 5 days of working out. I made it to step class on Monday, Thursday and Today, power on Tuesday, and barre on Wednesday. Plus, I got in a 3 mile jog/walk Monday and a round of golf on Wednesday. It feels great. Must. Keep. This. Up.

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