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ack! where does the time go?

I missed yesterday….so, I’ll post a short catch up. I joined the gym on Friday and I am proud to say I got up at 5 am and made it there for the 6 am water aerobics class! It’s Mon/Wed/Fri so I plan to do it those days. I also want to take the Kickboxing class, but it is on Monday mornings at 6 am as well. I will try it next week and if I like it enough, I’ll do that Mondays and Water on Wednesday and Friday. I haven’t figured out what fits into my Tuesday and Thursday schedule yet. On Saturday, I plan to try this class called “group groove”! It’s like a dancing workout.

I had to go get a new scale. I opted for one that also measures your body fat and water levels (*yikes*). It seems to work well because I was measured for these at the gym today and my scale says the same thing.

Well…gotta go to bed. I have been really tired lately; but, the insomnia seems to be gone so I am sleeping through the night now.

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